
Director & Photographer Madeline Northway was raised in the Midwest where she inherited an infatuation with nostalgia from years spent rummaging farm auctions with her antique-collecting parents. Discovering the camera as her tool of choice, a desire to honor the wistful nature of the 60s & 70s manifested from collecting old playboy magazines and strangers family photo albums.

This same desire remains as the undertone for all that she creates. In her work in editorial portraiture, commercial content, Playboy pictorials and music videos, she colorfully tells stories in her clean yet nostalgic style. Madeline uses her ability to connect with her subjects on a deeply empathic and human level to convey a mood of effortless authenticity.

Her work can be seen in Vogue, Playboy, Forbes, Modern Luxury, Palms Springs Life and on countless book and album covers.

Currently residing in Austin, TX. Working in Los Angeles, New York and beyond.

For all booking inquiries: mad@madelinenorthway.com